Wednesday, January 16, 2008

"Ise loogun Ise" - "Work: the antidote to poverty"

Ise loogun ise

Mura sise ore mi

Bi a ko ba ri eni feyinti

Bi ole laari

Bi a ko ba ri eni gbekele

A n tera mose eni

Mama re le l’owo l’owo

Ki baba re lesin lekan

Ti o ba gboju le won

O te tan ni mo so fun o

Agbojulogun f’ira re fosi ta

Iya mbe f’omo ti ko gbon

Ekun mbe f’omo t’o n sa kiri

Ma fowuro sere ore mi

Ise la fi ndi eni giga.

Well for those that understands Yoruba, that summarizes my resolution for this new year.That is a famous Yoruba poem that talks about hard work, making hay while d sun shines, and not playing your life away when you're young.Not sure whether that's d end though. Quite a few people that read Alawiye series will probably remember d lyrics of d poem esp if u grew up in a Yoruba speaking strict family. I'm sure all other tribes have something similar in their native languages. It's a real wonder where we went off course in Nigeria and the generations such teachings are supposed to inspire are turning out d other way.

Happy New New Year 2 all blogville inhabitants. As it's obvious, updating this blog is a challenge. I hope to work around that this year. Why did I start it in the first place? I guess just a way to share random thoughts and I had friends on blogville, and esp one Verastic encouraged me to start one. No regrets whatsoever but hope to improve this year. It's been almost 2 grueling weeks of examz now. Thats another topic in itself.

I just want to encourage whoever is reading this, that there's always room for more in your life,no matter the valley you're in or the heights you've been or are. Do something new, different, educating, adventurous... the list is endless. Just like a flash, this year will be gone and we'd be wondering and asking "what really did I do this year". For myself, I want to ask the question, "What did I not do this year?" come December 2008.

Have a great year y'all. Babz!


desperate lady 11:28 AM  

Is there an igbo version of the poem?
Happy new year to u too n have a wonderful yr also.

Vera Ezimora 3:55 PM  

I demand an update!!!!!!!!!

...And yes, I am back 2 blogging.

darkelcee 8:28 AM  


omo yoruba gidi ni blog author yii sha.i'm impressed with ur yoruba.


omohemi Benson 11:05 AM  
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omohemi Benson 11:11 AM  

I know you are busy and all, and you have little or no time,but even I don dey repent, Update!


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