Friday, February 02, 2007

This love...

I ask myself "when is it gonna be my turn?", but I guess I got to the party a bit late.
Come to think of it, is it really true that GuyHorny made that proposal and Vera is accepting. Hmnnn, I'm love sick myself. I'm sure you must be on top of the World Vera.
Enjoy your engagement and subsequent marriage while it lasts o.

Boorish Male, sorry... You win some and loose some. This aint just one to win. U've put up a gallant fight for the one you love, but as TaureanMinx said, "u dont choose who you love", guess ur heart chose wrongly. There are many fish(es) in the ocean. Love will come your way sooner than you think.

To the bride and groom to be, I guess u can get some advise from CalabarGal on long distance "marriage" or she'd just refer u to better qualified people.

It's quite a daunting task trying to play catch up on all you folks' blogs. I'm sure u guys spend forever online whenever u're on or u're so good at this.
It was a good day today and I finally left my students o,its hard leaving tho but man got to move on to better things. I'm almost late for my weekly bowling game. All work and no play, make us (Me,Myself&I) a dull bunch. Catch y'all


Vera Ezimora 10:44 PM  



Vera Ezimora 10:52 PM  

Babz, thank you for your kind words o, lol.

My boo and I are trying to come up with the wedding plans. You'll be informed soon as everything is set

Unknown 5:42 AM  

Catching up on blogs is no mean feat. 24hrs is a lot of time and so much happens that if u're not up to date, u'll be left behind. Right now, I'm helped tremendously by Nigerian Bloggers Aggregator and Technorati which has a list of bloggers who have just updated. My Blog list seems to be getting longer too with each passing day and reading it all is no moi-moi. LOL!!


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