Saturday, March 03, 2007


I'm actually doing this update from a niteclub o. Imagine that! Out bowling with some friends and just thot of doing this in between games. How y'all doing? Vera and Buki, thanks for ur continous comments, u seem to be my only audience for blogville.I no de complain o, I guess what goes round comes around.
U dey try shenk us be that now Vera. Well done o but I guess school ur writing should come first. I understand u wella... Another round of bowling is about to start, I go continue this later.

Back to finish but nothing to write... time to take to get jiggy with it. I'm off folks. Later...


LondonBuki 11:11 AM  

You were blogging from a club? LOL!!!

U haven't updated your photoblog in a while...

Vera Ezimora 9:31 PM  

lol. Blogging from a club ehn? Oga o. Ore mi, I am terribly sorry for my continued absence online; it has been due to excessive 'busyness'. Xcuse my grammar ejoo. How r u sha? I got all ur offlines o, but I got them days l8r.

Anyways, we go yarn soon.

Stay Blessed

Vera Ezimora 8:00 PM  


LondonBuki 2:34 PM  

Kia Kia!


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